Welcome to the practical guide to consulting, this is a series of blog post summarising my learning over the last ~3.5 years where I have been working in L.E.K. Consulting

My goal is to succinctly create a practical guide; Practical being actionable and replicable chunks of learning that could be useful for all people in their own professional journey

<aside> πŸ” Practical = actionable and replicable


I have laid out the pages in 3 big chunks (click the toggle to see the outline), covering end-to-end journey of management consulting from getting into the firm to ultimately thriving in one

I hope to regularly update the content of these pages, with β€œπŸš§β€ meaning still under construction, and β€˜βœ…β€™ is done

Why consulting (for me)?

Last edit: March 25, 2023 | reading time: 6 minutes

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash


At every job you should either learn or earn. Either is fine. Both is best. But if it's neither, quitΒ - Garry Tan

As a first career, consulting gives me both good learning and earning opportunity

One of the best maxim I found to decide on your career in general come from Garry Tan (a Venture Capitalist from San Fran) and he said - at every job you should either learn or earn. Either is fine. Both is best. But if it's neither, quit

Similarly in your first job, you should either learn or earn or both. This is tricky because most level-entry job typically offers only learning and rarely both

So there is a few way where you could land a job which provides both learning and earning opportunity:

Riding the wave at the right time (demand)

Highly technical job with niche knowledge or skills (supply)